Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Great Puzzle #8: The Mean Reds

We all have that place we turn to when everything, “life”, gets a little bit too much. I had a few of those. In Antwerp I had the coffee shop on the corner of my street and a used bookstore called De Slegte. De Slegte is actually a bookstore chain and they have one of those in Hasselt, but it just isn’t the same.
When I think of a used bookshop, I think of warmth, homeliness and the godly smell of used books. But when you enter De Slegte in Hasselt it, sadly, doesn’t offer any of those things. It does, however, offer you a nice pair of dusty lungs and an asthma-attack on your way out. Needless to say De Slegte no longer is a place I turn to whenever school or other stuff get a little too much.

So, I’m looking for some place new! And I think I might have stumbled upon it yesterday. I didn’t get to go in because I had some boring things to take care of like getting myself a library card and such. But I did have a little peek and it seems to be the perfect little place. It is a bookshop/café/restaurant. Books and papers are scattered all around in a dimly lit room that smells of coffee and soup and all other things yummy. It took a lot of self-control not to go in so I will be going back as soon as possible. Who knows, maybe I’ll take you there sometime.

I went and it was not what I was hoping for. Don't get me wrong. The food was good and they had a nice collection of newspapers, magazines and so on. But, the owner’s choice of painting the walls in some kind of horrifying red, green and orange, frankly, made me feel as if I was having lunch inside a traffic light.

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