Friday, November 20, 2015

My Very First Beauty Products

First Beauty Products 

Let’s take a little stroll down memory lane and discuss the very first beauty products we ever bought. I got to know make up and beauty products in two phases. The first phase was the one when I was too embarrassed to ask for help and therefore was determined to figure everything out for myself. Do notice that this was before YouTube was a magic make up tutorial machine maker and before I could understand and talk proper English. So, online help was hard to find and if I did, I couldn’t make any sense out of it. And so little me took on this glorious beast that is Makeup all by herself. And I have to be honest, it could have been worse.

I did well in the sense that I stuck to the basics for quite a while. I bought myself a black kajal eyeliner pencil from Essence. I actually still have it and it is still being put to good use! I also got a mascara from Catrice . I loved my first mascara and used it for years after that first purchase. I was so happy to see it pop up on my Bloglovin’ feed. Quite a few bloggers have been loving the Catrice mascaras and their posts instantly took me back to my blissful middle school days. To finish off my “look”, I got a tinted lip balm from Labello.

And then the cautious era ended. Until now, I had used products whose uses were extremely clear. Mascara for eyelashes, lip balm for lips and eyeliner for lining your eyes. – Yes, I only used to tight line my eyes, but for a 13 year old I wasn’t doing too bad. – But then, I stumbled upon my older sister’s cover stick for drying out spots whilst covering them up. Little me didn’t know what this strange futuristic looking device was. She never heard of concealer, but it did look a lot like that stuff her mom put all over her face. “Fond de tein” she once called it… And so, little Jana committed her first beauty error. She put Garnier’s Anti Activ roll on concealer all over her spotless young skinned face. This miraculously did not cause any damage though. Thank the makeup lord for that!

After that I only purchased one more make up item before ending up in phase 2. I was convinced I had all my bases covered but one, eyeshadow. So, I took all my saved up money to the drugstore and bought my very first eye shadow quad. I probably didn’t buy a for a full two weeks…sacrifices were made for this! But it was all worth it. It was the NYC Individualeyes eyeshadow quad. It consisted of four shades that according to the packaging should fit my eye color and it came with a eyeshadow primer (didn’t know that existed) and a highlighter (also something new and exciting). It also came with the best piece of information an oblivious make up user could ever need. On the back of the packaging, there was a drawing of an eye which labelled each part of the eyelid. Words like crease and brow bone were explained as well as what colors to use in which places. Best. Purchase. Ever. However, this beautiful period of me getting to know the wonders of eyeshadow, and probably looking awful doing it, wasn’t meant to last. My sister saw me using my beautiful eyeshadow quad and convinced me they weren’t worth anything and she would take them so wouldn’t look bad. HOW WAS I EVER THIS NAÏVE?? She only gave them back to me about two years ago when she moved out. Thanks. Anyway I guess we are even now, since I kind of stole that Garnier cover stick from her in the first place. Wooops :p.

That’s it. Not long after that phase two began. I stepped up to my mom and asked for a little starter kit of actual make up for Christmas. By that time, I was also a crazy Twilight fan and because of it spend hours on YouTube watching interviews and learning English while doing so. Occasionally, I stumbled on a makeup tutorial and the rest is history.

What were the first beauty products you purchased and where did you learn how to do makeup? Let me know in the comments below!

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